Publications in top international journals (M21a)

Publications in top international journals (M21) - Article

Publications in top international journals (M21) - News Item

Publications in prominent international journals (M22)

Publications in international journals (M23)

Acs Z., Jović J., Ember I., Cvrković T., Nagy Z., Talaber C., Gergely L., Toševski I., Kolber M. (2011): First report of Maize redness disease in Hungary. Bulletin of Insectology 64, S229-S230. (Entomology 56/86, IF 0.592)

Bažok R., Sivčev I., Kos T., Igrc-Barčić J., Kiss J., Jankovič S. (2011): Pherocon AM trapping and the "Whole plant count" method - A comparison of two sampling techniques to estimate the WCR adult densities in Central Europe. Cereal research communications 39(2), 298-305. (Agronomy 66/80, IF 0.392)

Cvrković T., Jović J., Mitrović M., Krstić O., Krnjajić S., Toševski I. (2011): Potential new Hemipteran vectors of stolbur phytoplasma in Serbian vineyards. Bulletin of Insectology 64, S129-S130. (Entomology 56/86, IF 0.592)

Elbeaino T., Digiaro M., Fallanaj F., Kuzmanović S., Martelli G.P. (2011): Complete nucleotide sequence and genome organisation of grapevine Bulgarian latent virus. Archives of virology 156(5), 875-879. (Virology 22/32, IF 2.111)

Ivanović Ž., Trkulja N., Pfaf Dolovac E., Dolovac N., Živković S., Jović J., Mitrović M. (2011): First report of stolbur phytoplasma infecting celery in Serbia. Bulletin of Insectology 64, S239-S240. (Entomology 56/86, IF 0.592)

Jović J., Ember I., Mitrović M., Cvrković T., Krstić O., Krnjajić S., Acs Z., Kolber M., Toševski I. (2011): Molecular detection of potato stolbur phytoplasma in Serbia. Bulletin of Insectology 64, S83-S84. (Entomology 56/86, IF 0.592)

Jović J., Cvrković T., Mitrović M., Krnjajić S., Krstić O., Redinbaugh M.G., Pratt R.C., Toševski I. (2011): Hosts of stolbur phytoplasma in Maize redness affected fields. Bulletin of Insectology 64, S155-S156. (Entomology 56/86, IF 0.592)

Jović J., Krstić O., Toševski I., Gassmann A. (2011): The occurrence of ‘Candidatus phytoplasma rhamni’ in Rhamnus cathartica L. without symptoms. Bulletin of Insectology 64, S227-S228. (Entomology 56/86, IF 0.592)

Kuzmanović S., Jošić D., Starović M., Ivanović Ž., Popović T., Trkulja N., Bajic-Raymond S., Stojanović S. (2011): Detection of Flavescence doree phytoplasma strain C on different grapevine cultivars in Serbian vineyards. Bulgarian journal of agricultural science 17(3), 325-332. (Agriculture, Multidisciplinary 52/57, IF 0.136)

Mitrović M., Toševski I., Krstić O., Cvrković T., Krnjajić S., Jović J. (2011): A strain of phytoplasma related to 16SrII group in Picris hieracioides L. (Asteraceae) in Serbia. Bulletin of Insectology 64, S241-S242. (Entomology 56/86, IF 0.592)

Trkulja N., Ivanović Ž., Pfaf Dolovac E., Dolovac N., Živković S., Jović J., Mitrović M. (2011): Stolbur phytoplasma infection of kale crops (Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera L.) in Serbia. Bulletin of Insectology 64, S81-S82. (Entomology 56/86, IF 0.592)

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